Deine Gesundheit, dein Glaube (englisch)

Your health, your faith

“Your Health, Your Faith – HIV Prevention In African Church Communities“ is a project of the Deutsche Aidshilfe e. V. (DAH) that was launched in 2015 on the suggestion of the networks AfroLebenPlus (Network of Migrants living with HIV in Germany) and AGHNiD (African Health & HIV Network in Germany). The project is implemented in close cooperation with the two networks, with Aidshilfe branches, health authorities and African pastors in eight sites.

This booklet summarizes the project results. Through it we primarily address African pastors, African multiplicators as well as collaborators of local Aids Service Organizations (ASO) and public health authorities.

The booklet has been conceived in such a way that the contents and messages are accessible to all: It provides guidance and support on planning and carrying out HIV prevention events in African Church communities. 

Sie erhalten die Broschüre auch in deutscher Sprache.

Maximum order size are 2 copies / Die maximale Bestellmenge beträgt 2 Exemplare.

Vielleicht interessiert sie auch: Talks with the virus“ (Gedichte-Sammlung)

Bestellnummer: 024015

Info: DIN A5, Querformat, 60 Seiten

Materialarten: Broschüre

Zielgruppen: AllgemeinbevölkerungMigrant*innenPraktiker*innen

Sprachen: Englisch

Erscheinungsjahr: 2019

Deine Gesundheit, dein Glaube (englisch)
PDF (4.07 MB)
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