What do I need for work?

For your professional work, you need professional tools. Here is an overview of the most important things:
CONDOMS and FEMIDOMS (internal condoms) not only prevent unwanted pregnancies, but also protect against HIV and reduce your risk of contracting other sexually transmitted infections, such as gonorrhoea (the ‘clap’), syphilis, chlamydia, hepatitis B and hepatitis C.
Only use brand-name products with the right quality approvals (look for a ‘CE’ mark, or a ‘DIN’ inspection number, for example). Make sure you check the expiry date and ensure that the packaging is not damaged. Store condoms/femidoms away from sources of heat, sunlight, sharp objects and pressure (i.e. do not keep them in your wallet or pocket for an extended period of time).
Top tip
Standard-size condoms are well suited for the majority of penises. Larger and smaller condoms are available, however. For smaller penises, there are even types of condom which include a special ring in the middle of the condom to prevent it from slipping off.
Femidoms (internal condoms) can offer the same level of security as condoms. You can find them in pharmacies and sex shops, as well as online. Depending on the pack size, a femidom costs around 2 to 3 euros.
They consist of a thin plastic sheet, approximately 18 cm in length, with one open and one closed end, alongside movable rings located at both ends. The front ring is positioned outside the vagina, in front of the larger labia; the back ring is inserted deep into the vagina, similar to a diaphragm (or menstrual cup), and is positioned in front of the cervix.
Femidoms can be inserted a long time before sex. Thus, they enable you to use a safer sex method where you remain in control. They are also a good alternative if a client cannot maintain an erection when using a condom. Side note: Femidoms can also be used for anal intercourse.
Open the packaging with your fingers

Put on the condom

Apply lubricant (not fat based) to the condom

Check that the condom is correctly positioned

Withdraw the penis along with the condom

Use each condom only once

Always apply the condom/femidom before the first penetration takes place: this is the best way to protect yourself against sexually transmitted infections.
LUBRICANT is applied to make things and body parts glide better, e.g. for handjobs, but particularly during vaginal and anal sex. Lubrication keeps the condom/femidom, vagina and anus moist, preventing the condom/femidom from tearing. It is best to apply the lubricant directly at the entrance to the vagina/anus so that it cannot simply rinse off to other bother parts. Always use oil-free lubricants (water-based or silicone-based). Fat-containing substances, such as Vaseline, creams or baby oil make condoms/femidoms porous, and make them tear more easily.
DENTAL DAMS are thin sheets of latex that can be placed over the vulva or anus to protect yourself against sexually transmitted infections, when licking these areas. However, a condom cut open lengthwise or cling-film (plastic wrap) can offer the same protection.
RUBBER GLOVES and fingerstalls (finger cots) protect hands or fingers from contact with blood, sperm, vaginal secretions or faeces. They can be worn when penetrating the anus or vagina, e.g. during “fingering” or “fisting”. When changing from anus to vagina, a new set of fingerstalls/rubber gloves should be used to prevent vaginal infections.
MENSTRUAL SPONGES, much like tampons, absorb period blood, but sit deeper in the vagina, directly in front of the cervix. You can have vaginal sex without your clients noticing that you are on your period (but it is best for you not to offer vaginal sex at all during this time as the vagina is more susceptible to infections; see “general health tips”). Sponges can be left inside the vagina for a maximum of eight hours, but must be changed more frequently when you have a heavy period. You can use sponges only once. They should be thrown away into the garbage after use.
DILDOS AND OTHER SEX TOYS are available and there is a huge range of options out there. Artificial penises used for anal penetration should have a broad base to ensure that they cannot “get lost” in the intestines. Be careful with products made from wood or plastic: roughly welded joints, tears or chipped/splitting areas could lead to injury! Dildos made of silicone are the best option.
For all sex toys, remember: clean them thoroughly with soap and water between each use, and apply a condom to the toy to prevent infections.
All the equipment you may need for sex work is available at vendors, who offer their products both in brothels and on the street. Condoms, lubricants and dental dams can also be bought in pharmacies, drugstores, sex shops, or at sex-shop distributors.
If you are short on cash, you can ask a street worker or other social workers where condoms/femidoms and lubricants can be obtained free of charge or at a reasonable price.